CloudTruth CLI
The CloudTruth CLI tool is used for interacting with the CloudTruth configuration management service. In order to use the CLI you must have an active CloudTruth account.
The CLI is available as package with a binary executable. Download the version built for your Platform:
Here are some examples on how to install the latest version of the CloudTruth CLI on your preferred distribution. The Shell Install command (preferred) will automatically detect your distribution and architecture to install the correct CloudTruth CLI installation package.
The shell installer supports Linux and Darwin distros and will install the latest version.
You can also specify a version by passing the --version parameter from stdin (curl example).
The CloudTruth CLI tool has several ways of configuring it, allowing you to pick whichever method is most suitable for your environment. With any method you will need to create a CloudTruth API Access Token to grant the CLI access.
You can configure the CLI using:
Method 1: Environment variables
Method 2: Command-line arguments
Method 3: CloudTruth CLI configuration file
Method 1: Environment-based Configuration
The CloudTruth CLI can use supported CLOUDTRUTH_
environment variables that are exported in a local shell. CloudTruth environment variables will merge with and take precedence over a configured CloudTruth configuration file.
Config Options | Usage |
| Required: Authenticates the CLI with the provided CloudTruth API Token. |
| Your profile (which can contain API key, project, and environment) |
| Sets the targeted project. |
| Sets the targeted environment. |
Provide your CloudTruth API Key as an environment variable:
Method 2: Argument-based Configuration
The CloudTruth CLI can be authorized directly by specifying the option --api-key
and providing your API key:
You can prefix commands with a space " "
in order to avoid having secret values like the API Key stored in your shell history.
Method 3: File-based Configuration
The CloudTruth CLI stores its configuration in the YAML format.
Run cloudtruth configuration edit
to initialize and open the configuration in your default editor.
You can have multiple named profiles in your configuration, allowing you to maintain multiple sets of configuration fields in the configuration file. Values can be inherited from one profile to another by setting the source_profile
configuration field. Profiles without an explicit source_profile
configuration implicitly inherit from the default profile. Use a specific profile with the --profile
If the --profile
argument is not supplied, the profile named default will be used.
Alternatively, you can use the cloudtruth configuration profiles
command to create or edit profiles.
The created configuration file is named cli.yml and resides in the standard application configuration location for your platform:
Linux -> $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/cloudtruth/cli.yml
macOS -> $HOME/Library/Application Support/com.cloudtruth.CloudTruth-CLI/cli.yml
Windows -> %AppData%\CloudTruth\CloudTruth CLI\config\cli.yml
Once you have the application configured with your CloudTruth API key, you can interact with your CloudTruth parameters. The CloudTruth CLI uses a subcommand structure to scope available actions as appropriate for a given resource.
Switching the active CloudTruth Project and Environment
CloudTruth Project
You must select a target project for the CLI with the --project
CloudTruth Environment
By default, all commands will run against the default CloudTruth environment. To change the target environment, you can supply use--env
CloudTruth run
The CloudTruth run command allows you to use parameters stored in CloudTruth and pass them through to your applications.
run options | Description |
-c, --command | Run this command |
--as-of | Date/time of parameter value(s) |
-i, --inherit | Handle the relationship between local and CloudTruth environments [default: overlay] [possible values: none, underlay, overlay, exclusive] |
r, --remove | Remove the variables from the CloudTruth environment for this run |
-s, --set | Set the variables in this run, even possibly overriding the CloudTruth environment |
You can issue the cloudtruth
run command with printenv
to print all of your local and CloudTruth parameters.
By default the run command will overlay all CloudTruth and local parameters into your command. You can use the --inherit
option to change the behavior. This example will only passthrough CloudTruth parameters:
Run time parameters
The run command will also allow you to remove or set parameters to customize a specific workflow in real time.
Usage Examples
Listing objects such as projects, environments and parameters will return a list of names. For detailed information use the values flag-v, --values
Create a new parameter and set a value. To mark the value as a secret use the --secret
View a list of all parameters with values.
Retrieve a specific parameter value by key name
Retrieve overrides for specific parameter values across environments.
Show differences with parameter values across two environments.
View a tree view of all environments.
Retrieve the contents of a project template.
Command List
You can also get auto-completions for most popular shells by running:
source <(cloudtruth completions <SHELL>),
where "SHELL" is the name of your shell.
Flags | Description |
-h, --help | Prints help information |
-V, --version | Prints version information |
Options | Description |
-k, --api-key | CloudTruth API key |
-e, --env | The CloudTruth environment to work with |
--profile | The configuration profile from the application configuration file to use |
--project | The CloudTruth project to work with |
command | subcommand | Description |
audit-logs | Display audit logs [aliases: audit, aud, a, log, logs] | |
list | List audit log details [aliases: ls, l] | |
summary | Display summary of audit logs [aliases: sum] | |
completions | Generate shell completions for this application | |
configuration | Configuration options for this application [aliases: config, conf, con] | |
current | Show the current arguments and their sources. [aliases: curr, cur] | |
edit | Edit your configuration data for this application | |
profiles | Work with CloudTruth CLI profiles [aliases: profile, prof, pr, p] | |
environments | Work with CloudTruth environments [aliases: environment, envs, env, e] | |
copy | Copy an environment and its children to new environment(s) [aliases: cp] | |
delete | Delete specified CloudTruth environment [aliases: del, d] | |
list | List CloudTruth environments [aliases: ls, l] | |
set | Create/update a CloudTruth environment [aliases: s] | |
tag | View and manipulate environment tags [aliases: ta] | |
tree | Show a tree representation of the environments [aliases: tr, t] | |
help | Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s) | |
groups | User group management commands | |
delete | Delete the specified CloudTruth user group | |
get | Get detailed CloudTruth user group information | |
list | List CloudTruth user groups | |
set | Create/update a Cloudtruth user group and manage group users | |
integrations | Work with CloudTruth integrations [aliases: integration, integrate, integ, int] | |
explore | Explore integrations by Fully Qualified Name (FQN). [aliases: exp, ex, e] | |
list | List CloudTruth integrations [aliases: ls, l] | |
login | Sets up a CloudTruth configuration profile api_key | |
logout | Removes a CloudTruth configuration profile api_key | |
parameters | Work with CloudTruth parameters [aliases: parameter, params, param, p] | |
copy | Copy a parameter and its value [aliases: cp] | |
delete | Delete the parameter from the project [aliases: del, d] | |
differences | Show differences between properties from two environments [aliases: difference, differ, diff] | |
environment | Shows values across environments [aliases: environ, env] | |
export | Export selected parameters to a known output format. Exported parameters are limited to alphanumeric and underscore in key names. Formats available are: dotenv, docker, and shell. | |
get | Gets value for parameter in the selected environment | |
list | List CloudTruth parameters [aliases: ls, l] | |
set | Set a value in the selected project/environment for an existing parameter or creates a new one if needed | |
unset | Remove a value/override from the selected project/environment and leaves the parameter in place. | |
projects | Work with CloudTruth projects [aliases: project, proj] | |
copy | Copy a project and its children to new project(s) [aliases: cp] | |
delete | Delete specified CloudTruth project [aliases: del, d] | |
list | List CloudTruth projects [aliases: ls, l] | |
set | Create/update a CloudTruth project | |
tree | Display CloudTruth project inheritance [aliases: tr] | |
run | Run a shell with the parameters in place [aliases: run, r] | |
templates | Work with CloudTruth templates [aliases: template, temp, t] | |
delete | Delete the CloudTruth template [aliases: del, d] | |
differences | Show differences between templates [aliases: difference, differ, diff, di] | |
edit | Edit Edit the specified template [aliases: ed, e] | |
get | Get an evaluated template from CloudTruth | |
history | Display template history [aliases: hist, h] | |
list | List CloudTruth templates [aliases: ls, l] | |
preview | Evaluate the provided template without storing [aliases: prev, pre] | |
set | Set the CloudTruth template | |
validate | Validate a CloudTruth template [aliases: valid, val, v] | |
users | Work with CloudTruth users [aliases: user, us] | |
current | Display information about current user [aliases: cur, c] | |
delete | Delete specified CloudTruth account [aliases: del, d] | |
get | Get detailed CloudTruth user information | |
invitations | Manage user invitations [aliases: invitation, invite, inv, in, i] | |
list | List CloudTruth users [aliases: ls, l] | |
set | Create/update a CloudTruth service account [aliases: s] |
Issue Reporting
The CloudTruth CLI is open source. You can report issues and get details on building and developing locally in the CloudTruth CLI repo.
Last updated