
The User Directory allows for the invitation of additional interactive users and their roles to the organization. Only organization owners and admins can invite additional users. It is recommended to have at least two users assigned the Owner role in case either user needs to leave or be removed from the organization.

Only an organization Owner may invite other users as Owners. Organization Admins are allowed to invite other users and set their roles to Admins, but not Owners.

The Users page is located in the Admin section of the left-hand navigation bar under Access Control:

Inviting a new user

  1. Click the + Create Users button at the top of the page to open the Invite team members page:

  1. Enter as many users as needed via a comma-delimited list, then click Set User Roles:

  1. Here we set the user(s) role(s) as desired:

There is also the option to REMOVE an invitation from this page in case there is an unintentional e-mail address added. This avoids the need to cancel and start over

  1. Once the Roles are set as desired, click the Set User Roles button to send the invitations.

  2. The Users list will now have the invitations listed:

  1. If for any reason the invitation needs managed, we provide the options to either resend the invitation or delete it via the selection menu to the right of the invitation:

After the recipient accepts an invitation, the new user will appear in the Users list, and the invitation entry will no longer be present.

Changing a user's role

If for any reason a user's role needs to change it can be updated via the selection menu to the right of the user, by selecting Change Role which will open the EDIT USER modal:

Change the role as needed, then click Update for the change to take effect.

Changing a user's role requires an Owner role account.

If the currently logged-in user is the only Owner, the account CANNOT be downgraded. If it must be re-assigned to a lower role, another user must be assigned the Owner role.

Removing a user from the organization

When a user no longer requires access to an organization, it can be removed via the selection menu to the right of the user, by selecting Remove Access which will open a confirmation modal, select Yes, remove to remove the user from the organization.

Removing a user requires an Owner role account.

If the user being removed is the only Owner assigned role, another user must be assigned the Owner role before the account can be removed.

Leaving an organization

Only Admins and Owners can leave an organization. The selection menu and confirmation modal change slightly where Remove Access changes to Leave Organization when clicking the selection menu for the currently logged in Admin or Owner:

Clicking Yes, leave will remove the currently logged in user from the organization.

If the currently logged-in user is the only assigned Owner role, then another user must be assigned the Owner role first before an Owner can leave an organization.If the currently logged-in user is the only assigned Owner role, then another user must be assigned the Owner role first before an Owner can leave an organization.If the currently logged in user is the only assigned Owner role, then another user must be assigned the Owner role first, before an Owner can leave an organization.

Role Permissions

Detailed breakdown of organization and configurations management user role permissions.

There is a special role called "VIEWERNOSECRETS," which has the same permissions as VIEWER but cannot view project secrets.

Organization PermissionsOwnerAdminContributorViewer

View list of users





Create personal API access tokens




Create - Update - Delete 3rd-party integrations



Manage and invite users



View and Download audit logs



Update non owner roles and users



Update owner role and users


Manage Account


Configuration PermissionsOwnerAdminContributorViewer

Switch Projects





View Project Parameters





View Project Secrets





View Project Templates





Create - Update - Delete Environments




Create - Update - Delete Projects




Create - Update - Delete Project Parameters




Create - Update - Delete Project Templates




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