Internal Values

Learn more about sharing config data, implicit values, and interpolation.

Internal values are the most flexible of the parameter types, they can be plain text or dynamic, or a secret. Once a parameter has been created, the value can be added immediately after parameter creation or at a later time.

Internal values can be converted between plain text values and dynamic values and they can also be switched to external values.

If the ADD ENVIRONMENT VALUE modal is cancelled, the value will be NULL. We recommend to always create the default environment value for a parameter then override the value in any child environments as needed.

Creating internal values

  1. After creating a parameter, the ADD ENVIRONMENT VALUE modal will be displayed:

  • ENVIRONMENT - This will typically be the default environment, to select a different environment to create the parameter's value in, cancel the dialog, select the appropriate environment via the ENVIRONMENTS tree, then click Edit Value to reopen the ADD ENVIRONMENT VALUE dialog

  • SOURCE - Internal (default) or External. This will define whether the parameter's value is hosted by CloudTruth or retrieved from a supported provider via a CloudTruth Integration Connection (required)

  • DYNAMIC - Allows the parameter's value to reference other parameters and templates via Mustache templating (optional)

  • ENVIRONMENT VALUE - Either the internal, external or dynamically set parameter value.

  • Password generator - Embedded convenience utility to quickly generate a password to copy and paste for the parameter's environment value

  1. Enter the value in the ENVIRONMENT VALUE textbox:

  1. Click Save to save the value

Once the value has been saved, the parameter's detail page will be displayed showing the new value in the default environment, where the other child environments will indicate the value is being inherited from the default environment:


Deleting (removing)

Dynamic Parameters

Marking a Parameter value as Dynamic allows you to reference and interpolate other values and templates from the project.

This parameter evaluated_demo contains a value with text evaluated_memory_size: that includes the value from a referenced project parameter {{}}.

Clicking Show Evaluated displays the evaluated value for the referenced parameter.

Dynamic values cannot be secrets, but they CAN reference secrets. If you have a secret you'd like to use in a dynamic value, store it in a secret Parameter and reference it in your dynamic value. A dynamic value that references a secret becomes a secret implicitly.

Overriding Parameter Values

Parameters are present in all of the Environments in a project and by default are set to the value from the parent Environment. You can set a unique Parameter value for each Environment by overriding the value.

Click on a Parameter from the Parameter Store list.

The Parameter details page is displayed. In this example we have three Environments (Production, Dev and Staging) under the default parent.

Select the Environment where you would like to override the value and click Edit Value.

The Edit Environment Value page is displayed, set the Parameter value for the selected Environment and click Save.

Now the Parameter details page shows the updated value for the selected Environment. The remaining Environments retain the default value.

Inline Value Edits

Searching Parameters

As your Parameter list grows you can use the search to find all parameters with a specific string within your project.

From the Parameter Store page you can list all Parameter values for a specific Environment by selecting the Environment in the drop down box. Values that have overrides for the selected Environment are indicated in the Value Source.

Edit Parameter Settings

Select the Parameter you want to edit from the Parameter Store page and click Edit Parameter Settings from the Parameter menu.

The Edit Parameter dialogue allows you to update the description, change whether the parameter is a secret and update or set rules.

Deleting Parameters

Select the Parameter you want to edit from the Parameter Store page and click Delete Parameter from the Parameter menu.

Template References

The Parameter settings page will display the number of Templates a given Parameter is referenced in. You can navigate to each Template from the Template List tab. Parameters that are referenced in a template are protected from deletion.

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